Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dream Diary #3

Last night I had my first REALLY weird dream in a while:

I don't remember the very beginning but the first part I remember is searching through K-Marts for a magical ring I had lost (At some point, this plotline got lost along the way.) and eventually being led to a high school attended by the man who had bought my ring.

Upon entering I was mistaken as a student and forced to go to class. (despite the fact that it was 1AM in dream land.) The class, as it turns out, was Defense Against the Dark Arts. In the class we were taught how to destroy horcruxes. (I should never watch Harry Potter before bed.)

The next thing I remember is searching through the school to find  my partner Wolf, (The partner is a real person who I've had a huge crush on for years but haven't talked to in forever because I get really shy and tongue tied around him and tend to sound really fucking stupid. IDEK why I'm telling you this, it's not of import.) who had been ushered off to a different class earlier in the night. Before finding him I stumbled upon High Priest Imhotep who was casting a spell over the student body. (Bear with me here, it gets a little nuts.) Seeing that I was still unaffected by his magic Imhotep instructed his new army after me.

I'm not entirely sure how but dream!me managed to clear a path to the basement dungeons, wherein I found a magic book. (The Black Book from the Mummy.) The book could give life and control it. Reading the first spell in the book I caused the army to collapse into piles of ashes. "Casualties of war" a voice said to me. I spun around and was face to face with Imhotep.

"Well, this is awkward." I said, still clutching the book. "You probably want this back, huh? OK... CATCH!" I threw the book in his face and dashed out of the room. I might actually get out of here alive! That was a short lived hope as every corner I  turned around revealed the priest and the book.

"Probably shouldn't have given that back." I said trying to catch my breath.

He gave me a slight smile. "I supposed not." (Bonus points to Mummy fans who notice this is the first time Imhotep has ever spoken English.)

"So... What now?" I asked. "Are you going to kill me?"

"No, no... You're far to much fun for that." He began to move towards me.

"Fun?" He was inches away now.

"I enjoy a good chase every now and then..." He said sniffing my hair. "You've put up the most fight of all my prey in the last 1000 years-- put together." I shuddered at the cold air rolling off him. "So, I'm willing to make you an offer; I'll let you live... If... You agree to play my game."


He flashed a cruel smile. "A game of chase."

"No. You're sick!"

"That may be so, ... but if you ever want to see your partner again, you'll play. You win; you walk out Scott-free. I win, you stay with me, forever."

"Why would I ever agree to that?"

"Then I'll sweeten the deal. I'll let your boyfriend go now; either way, he's safe. But only if you agree to play."

I took a deep breath to clear my head. "Fine. I'll play."

"Excellent." He beamed a great smile and snapped his fingers, popping off to some other part of the castle.

I stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Finally finding my legs I took off down the corridor. The first door I ran inside was an unused classroom. The next was an auditorium of sorts. I walked around the room until I found what I was looking for: A pile of dust with the former wizard's wand still sticking out. I whispered a spell and light burst from the tip. I ventured, once again, down the hall. The next door I went in was a gym. Inside were several elderly witches and wizards.

"Mornin', sweetheart." One of the men said with a disgusting leer.

"Are you lost, little girl?" One of the witches asked.

"No, not at all." I found my way into a deep pool. The doors behind me slammed.

"High Priest Imhotep!" I heard the woman exclaim. "What brings out most feirce leader down to our little dungeon?"

"A game." I hear the now familiar voice reply. He stormed through the doors to the pool and followed my path past the pool and out the set of double doors on the other side....

When my lungs couldn't stand it any longer I emerged from the pool, gasping fir air, unable to catch my breath.

"My, my deary... You've made quite an enemy."

I jumped up, holding my wand out in a defensive position, ready for a battle. "I'm not going to harm you," she said "we've been kept prisoner down her since he took over."

"So you're just going to let me walk?"

"Yes. I want free as much as you do." She squeezed my arm reassuringly.

Unsure, I stood there for a moment. Soon though, I realized the witch wasn't going to call for the others, I nodded as to say "thank you" and ran out the same doors the priest had left through, turning the opposite direction down the hall. No, good it was a dead end. But wait... That door wasn't there a minute ago... Was it?

I was curious. I turned the old, glass knob. It opened with a creak. Inside, was a great bedroom, a large canopied bed in the center of the room. I felt the curtains to the bed, they were soft as silk. I ran my fingers down the ornately embroidered, purple blanked draped over the mattress. It was so soft and I was so tired.

"I'll just lie down a moment," I thought and sat on the bed. It soft mattress seemed to hug my body, I began to notice ever cut, scrape and bruise. I pulled my legs up onto the bed. My eyelids began to droop... I heard an evil cackle.

"I told you I'd get her!" That horrible laugh again. "The moment she let me touch her, she was done for!" It was the witch from the pool room, she'd tricked me. No... NO. I had to run, had to get out of the bed but it was really holding me now. I couldn't get free. I held my breath and pushed with all my might. The dream's hold on me loosened-- I was free. I ran full tilt from the witches and wizards who were closing in on me. Down the hall, up the stairs but


I smacked into something completely solid.

"No no no no. I can't..."

The high priest reached down and gripped my arm pulling me to my feet.

"Forever." He whispered and pulled my face to his. With that kiss my fate was sealed. Now I sit, by his side...
