Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dream Diary #4

I'm not sure if this makes it better or worse but I watched Doctor Who's "A Good Man Goes To War" right before I went to bed and my subconscious went haywire.

It all started on a school trip, (I'm constantly going to school in my dreams despite the fact that I haven't gone to a regular school in like 4 years.)  Everything was going fine, we were exploring a small island, some of us for the first time, seeing exciting new animals, meeting new people. But some of us weren't content to stay with the group...

Myself and one other (Whose face I don't recall but I remember calling him Nick and that he was British soo I'm pretty sure he was Nick Moran...) were bored with what we were seeing so we left the group and found a little fun of our own (I should also mention that I'm usually a complete slut in my dreams...) 

After our personal adventure we made our way back to the group as they continued their way through a museum. As the day wore on I found myself going slower and slower, too tired to move...

My classmates noticed it before I did, my stomach had swollen to ten times it's normal size. Placing my hands on my belly, I immediately knew what was happening... I was with child. But how could I be? My stomach had been perfectly flat this morning. At least up until Nick and I ran off and... It couldn't be, I kept telling myself. I've contracted some rare disease that was causing my body to swell...

I was put upon a charter plane to the nearest hospital so I could be examined ASAP. As I was trying to board the small water plane, several men in jet-black suits wound their way down to the dock the plane rested aside. My teacher slipped the pilot a wad of bills and the pilot took off immediately while, as I could see from the window, my classmates fought the men away from the dock until we were safely out of range.

We reached the hospital too late, I was already having contractions. There was no arguing it now, I was pregnant, but how or with what I didn't know.

After several hours of pushing and screaming, my daughter was born. The doctors, against my will, took her for examination. I was discharged from the hospital and put up in a hotel a block away. I stood out on the balcony, thinking of the small face I had only gotten a glimpse of, what I saw had been more beautiful than you could imagine...

The door behind me opened, Nick and the rest of my class had gotten a flight to the city not long after I had left. I wasn't sure about the others but Nick looked worse for wear from his scuffle with the men in black.

"Who were they?" I asked.

"I don't know for sure... They said... Well they said some weird stuff. Like, they needed to get you back, you
shouldn't have been allowed to leave in the first place."

"Allowed to leave what?"

"No clue. But they won't be saying anything else any time soon," he said with a devilish grin. "They're a bit... tied up back on the island. Small issue with some fishing nets."

Before either of us could say anything else, one of the doctors from the hospital arrived at the door.

"I'm sorry," he said. "But the child cannot be returned to you."

"What?! You can't keep her from me! She's my daughter! I have every right to her!"

"You would... If you were human. Curiously fast how she came about isn't it?" He gulped, unsure of himself.

"Your daughter is going to be studied. As will the two of you. Agents from HWS (Home World Security) will be collecting you shortly. I implore you not to fight them, they have been authorized to use deadly force." He left the room without another word.

I collapsed on the bed... What did he mean not human? Why was HWS coming for me? Was was my daughter? How am I-- "Let's go get her." Nick said suddenly, derailing my train of thought.

"How?!" I shrieked at him. "They have her locked up in the hospital. Even if we made it out of here and down to the hospital, we'd have no way in."

"Why can't we use this?" He held up a key card, a huge grin spread across his face. "I nicked it off our mousy friend, he didn't even notice or he was too scared to react." He roared with laughter.

"You should have--"

"They shouldn't have taken our daughter!"

I took a moment to collect myself, he was right, after all. "Let's go get her."

It wasn't hard getting out of the hotel, security had evidently not been alerted, we just walked right out of the door. The journey to the hospital wasn't as easy. Less than ten feet from the hotel we spotted several more of the black suited men trudging up the street. "HWS." Nick and I whispered at the same time.

We ducked into and alley just in time to avoid the agents. As soon as they passed we tiptoed out. We headed toward the hospital as fast as we could without running. We were almost there... I could see the two HWS agents standing guard at the door.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A voice screamed. "I said STOP."

I turned slowly towards the voice, only to see it coming from a small woman facing the other way. She was screaming at several kids who had taken to climbing the construction scaffolding that climbed up the side of the hospital.

Everyone was stopped, staring. The guards from the door had come over to see what the commotion was. This was it, our only chance. Nick and I headed towards the door and sprinted towards a set of closing elevator doors-- With my finger I stabbed the button next to the sign indicating "4 - Nursery". The elevator stated with a lurch. We had done it-- We might actually get her back.... Less than 24 hours since I had gotten pregnant and we were already on a rescue mission.

We stepped out of the elevator slowly. There was no one in the hall-- Could we really be this lucky. Nick passed the key card through the scanner next to the double doors marked "Nursery Staff Only" and pushed the door open with the lock chimed and the light changed green.

There she was. The most beautiful being I had ever seen and she was mine. I picked her up gingerly. Her hair was copper colored, her eyes were blue. "My little angel," I whispered. We heard the elevator ding again.

"We gotta go," Nick whispered, steering me towards another set of doors. The second doors led out to another hallway. "Stairs." He barely breathed the word. Indeed, there was door to the stairwell 15 yards from us, at the end of the hall. Nick slipped the baby from my arms, he would probably be able to support her better down the stairs so I didn't protest. We were already down two levels when I pulled him to a stop.

"What is it?" He asked.

"She doesn't have a proper name yet." I slipped the necklace I was wearing over my head and tucked the tiny flower it into the blankets. "Hello, Lily." The small child cooed in his arms, its tiny fist bobbing just below where the Lily Of The Valley pendant now sat. Nick smiled at me but before he could say anything a door above us slammed open.


We ran down the sitars as fast as we dared. They were gaining on us fast but we couldn't go any faster without risking our baby's safety. Finally, the last landing. We were out in the lobby, through the front doors and into the brightly lit street before anyone else noticed. The guards had abandoned their posts at the door. It was probably them that were chasing us, I fleetingly thought.

"SHIT!" Nick's scream of rage caught me off guard and I ran into his back.

I peered around there were more agents ahead of us, running towards the hospital. The spotted us before we could hide. They drew their guns. We were done for. Before I could comprehend what was happening Nick grabbed my arm and pushed me towards the construction equipment that climbed up the building like ivy. "Come on!"

We climbed fast, faster than they could anyway, up to the roof, and jumped the small gap to the top of the neighboring building. No good. Agents were already pouring from the doors to each of the roofs.

"Stop now! We don't want to kill you--"

"But you will if you have to?" Nick mocked him. "Isn't that what they always say in the movies before they shoot the helpless victim?"

"This isn't a movie, son, if you haven't noticed." The voice came from the back of the group of men.

A tiny bespectacled man in a white jacket stepped out towards us. "Do you remember me? Nick, surely you must. You were older than all of the others were when you left. You must have some memories."

Nick and I edged back from him but it was no good, we were surrounded on all sides.

"The experiment's over, come back with us and I promise no harm will come to you."

"What experiment?"

The doctor sighed. "I'm Doctor Anheim, you obviously don't remember me but I helped to raise you. You come from another world. Your parents were settlers on a small craft that crashed in New Mexico in 1947. Your parents were peaceful but they died due to injuries the sustained during the crash. You only survived thanks to the special... cradles, for lack of a better word, that you were being transported in. You were kept in a small facility known, or unknown rather, as Area 51. Humanoid in appearance we thought we'd be able to integrate you into the general population. We assumed you'd never be able to mate with humans so we weren't worried about hybrids. We obviously never thought you two would find each other. We put you on different continents for Christ sake. But you did. It's miraculous. Maybe it's in your DNA, I don't know."

"Can we get to a point?"

Dr. Anheim sighed. "The point is... Until we know how your child will age, seeing how short the pregnancy was we can only assume it will be rapid... We can't let you live among the humans. Come with us, for a year, tops. I promise you, no harm will come to you or your child."

"And if it does? What if we wish to leave."

He thought it over for a minute. "Of course. But you will have guards with you at all times to ensure nothing... unexpected happens."

"And once you're sure we're safe?"

"You make resume the lives you were living until today. If you wish. Or we could relocate you, new identities, new pasts..."

Nick clenched his jaw. One look was all I needed to know what he thought. "Okay. One year." We followed the men downstairs and back onto the street. "Ready?" Nick whispered to me, barely audible over the rumble of the cars. Most of the agents walked the other way down the street, while the doctor and the two men we had seen guarding the hospital entrance earlier took us back to the hospital.

"As I'll ever be..." I breathed back. He slipped out of his handcuffs and silently took out the guards while I sneaked behind the good doctor and in one swift moment, knocked him out and took Lily from his arms.

No one seemed to nice a thing. We walked as calmly as we could toward the dock where our pilot friend had landed us hours before. Mercifully, he was still there. Taking in the baby and my now flat stomach he said "Congratulations, young miss."

I forced a smile. "We need a ride."

"Where to?" He asked.

"Anywhere." Nick and I said together.

The pilot nodded and said "I can do that."

We took off once again to live our lives wherever we could. Wherever wouldn't have Dr. Anheim and HWS.

The End.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dream Diary #3

Last night I had my first REALLY weird dream in a while:

I don't remember the very beginning but the first part I remember is searching through K-Marts for a magical ring I had lost (At some point, this plotline got lost along the way.) and eventually being led to a high school attended by the man who had bought my ring.

Upon entering I was mistaken as a student and forced to go to class. (despite the fact that it was 1AM in dream land.) The class, as it turns out, was Defense Against the Dark Arts. In the class we were taught how to destroy horcruxes. (I should never watch Harry Potter before bed.)

The next thing I remember is searching through the school to find  my partner Wolf, (The partner is a real person who I've had a huge crush on for years but haven't talked to in forever because I get really shy and tongue tied around him and tend to sound really fucking stupid. IDEK why I'm telling you this, it's not of import.) who had been ushered off to a different class earlier in the night. Before finding him I stumbled upon High Priest Imhotep who was casting a spell over the student body. (Bear with me here, it gets a little nuts.) Seeing that I was still unaffected by his magic Imhotep instructed his new army after me.

I'm not entirely sure how but dream!me managed to clear a path to the basement dungeons, wherein I found a magic book. (The Black Book from the Mummy.) The book could give life and control it. Reading the first spell in the book I caused the army to collapse into piles of ashes. "Casualties of war" a voice said to me. I spun around and was face to face with Imhotep.

"Well, this is awkward." I said, still clutching the book. "You probably want this back, huh? OK... CATCH!" I threw the book in his face and dashed out of the room. I might actually get out of here alive! That was a short lived hope as every corner I  turned around revealed the priest and the book.

"Probably shouldn't have given that back." I said trying to catch my breath.

He gave me a slight smile. "I supposed not." (Bonus points to Mummy fans who notice this is the first time Imhotep has ever spoken English.)

"So... What now?" I asked. "Are you going to kill me?"

"No, no... You're far to much fun for that." He began to move towards me.

"Fun?" He was inches away now.

"I enjoy a good chase every now and then..." He said sniffing my hair. "You've put up the most fight of all my prey in the last 1000 years-- put together." I shuddered at the cold air rolling off him. "So, I'm willing to make you an offer; I'll let you live... If... You agree to play my game."


He flashed a cruel smile. "A game of chase."

"No. You're sick!"

"That may be so, ... but if you ever want to see your partner again, you'll play. You win; you walk out Scott-free. I win, you stay with me, forever."

"Why would I ever agree to that?"

"Then I'll sweeten the deal. I'll let your boyfriend go now; either way, he's safe. But only if you agree to play."

I took a deep breath to clear my head. "Fine. I'll play."

"Excellent." He beamed a great smile and snapped his fingers, popping off to some other part of the castle.

I stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Finally finding my legs I took off down the corridor. The first door I ran inside was an unused classroom. The next was an auditorium of sorts. I walked around the room until I found what I was looking for: A pile of dust with the former wizard's wand still sticking out. I whispered a spell and light burst from the tip. I ventured, once again, down the hall. The next door I went in was a gym. Inside were several elderly witches and wizards.

"Mornin', sweetheart." One of the men said with a disgusting leer.

"Are you lost, little girl?" One of the witches asked.

"No, not at all." I found my way into a deep pool. The doors behind me slammed.

"High Priest Imhotep!" I heard the woman exclaim. "What brings out most feirce leader down to our little dungeon?"

"A game." I hear the now familiar voice reply. He stormed through the doors to the pool and followed my path past the pool and out the set of double doors on the other side....

When my lungs couldn't stand it any longer I emerged from the pool, gasping fir air, unable to catch my breath.

"My, my deary... You've made quite an enemy."

I jumped up, holding my wand out in a defensive position, ready for a battle. "I'm not going to harm you," she said "we've been kept prisoner down her since he took over."

"So you're just going to let me walk?"

"Yes. I want free as much as you do." She squeezed my arm reassuringly.

Unsure, I stood there for a moment. Soon though, I realized the witch wasn't going to call for the others, I nodded as to say "thank you" and ran out the same doors the priest had left through, turning the opposite direction down the hall. No, good it was a dead end. But wait... That door wasn't there a minute ago... Was it?

I was curious. I turned the old, glass knob. It opened with a creak. Inside, was a great bedroom, a large canopied bed in the center of the room. I felt the curtains to the bed, they were soft as silk. I ran my fingers down the ornately embroidered, purple blanked draped over the mattress. It was so soft and I was so tired.

"I'll just lie down a moment," I thought and sat on the bed. It soft mattress seemed to hug my body, I began to notice ever cut, scrape and bruise. I pulled my legs up onto the bed. My eyelids began to droop... I heard an evil cackle.

"I told you I'd get her!" That horrible laugh again. "The moment she let me touch her, she was done for!" It was the witch from the pool room, she'd tricked me. No... NO. I had to run, had to get out of the bed but it was really holding me now. I couldn't get free. I held my breath and pushed with all my might. The dream's hold on me loosened-- I was free. I ran full tilt from the witches and wizards who were closing in on me. Down the hall, up the stairs but


I smacked into something completely solid.

"No no no no. I can't..."

The high priest reached down and gripped my arm pulling me to my feet.

"Forever." He whispered and pulled my face to his. With that kiss my fate was sealed. Now I sit, by his side...


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Island Adventure and the Hut of Secrets


Impy: *pop* What the-*looks around*- OH!
Dean: *winks* How ya been stranger?
Impy: Fine, yourself?
Dean: Better now that-
Zed: *pop* Oh hell yes.
Xander: *wanders out from the trees* ...I wander away for a second and the masters show up.

Impy: *still eying Dean* Hey, Zed.
Zed: *smiling playfully at the men* Yeah?
Impy: Is Spencer Reid here?
Zed: He's around here somewhere.
Impy: *looks at Dean* Sorry, I must corrupt him....more then he's already been corrupted.
*wanders off to find Reid*
Sam: *to Dean* Dude, you just got ditched for a nerd.
Dean: Shut up....
Zed: Alright, now I know I haven't been here in a while so you all should just form a line in front of my hut. *evil grin*

Zed: 1:29

Zed: Looks around at the surrounding hotness* It's good to be back!
Tessy: We've missed you my queen.
Zed: Yeah, that's still not enough to get you laid.
Tessy: Well then... Fuck you. *walks off*
Zed: *giggles* I like PMS'ing geniuses...
Bigfoot: You shouldn't tease him the way you do. May snap.
Zed: DILLIGAF! Sparrow-- NO.
Sparrow: Hmph. *takes a swig of rum and walks off* My dilly-gaff.
Zed: Before I get started I need to bring in a few men who were somehow skipped over when we were creating this place: First Dr. Peter Grodin.
Rodney: You can't be here. Peter Grodin is dead.
Zed: Dude, Rodney. *points at self* God, remember?
Rodney: B-b-but... PHYSICS!
Sparrow: Dilly-gaff?
Zed: Thank you, Jack. Now, where was I? Oh yes, up next is Major Kevin Marks.
O'Neill: *peering over Zed's shoulder* His first name is Kevin?
Marks: Yes, sir.
Zed: ... You've known him, what? Five years now? How don't you know that?
O'Neill: I didn't think he'd last a week and after that point I knew him too well to ask.
Zed: I can't even... OK Anyway, now onto the fun part! Marks, make this woman go away. *wink*
Marks: *raises one eyebrow* Should I blow you up too?
Zed: No I do the blowing, not you. Now, move.
Marks: *carries Zed off to the Hut*

Impy : 1:49

Impy: *wandering out of the trees looking like a total mess* Where is he?! If I had these magic Godlike powers I could find him.
Men: *back away from frustrated Impy*
Sparrow: Perhaps, my lady darling...misses, if you were to look were you haven't thought yet to look, you would find the thing that is missing that you are looking for that you haven't yet found.
Faramir: Mi'lady, I will gladly service you in Master Reid's stead.
Impy: Oh, alright.
Faramir: *carries Impy off to the Hut*

Zed: 1:57

Zed: Why didn't she just take Jack's compass to find what she wanted?
Sparrow: Because I sold it.
Zed: To who and for what?
Sparrow: Tesla and rum.
Zed: Nikola has the compass?
Sparrow: Aye.
Zed: *face!palm* We're gonna die.
Sheppard: Why?
Zed: What does Tessy want more than anything else right now?
Everyone: Sex.
Zed: Exactly.
Shep: *still doesn't get it*
Zed: *rolls eye at his naiveté* he compass will lead him to what he wants- sex- Therefore it will lead him to the nearest body he can get sex from.
Shep: OH my god...
Zed: There we go. We need to find Tessy before he finds Rock. EVERYBODY SADDLE UP!
*Everyone is suddenly on a saddled horse*
Zed: Move out!

Inpy: 2:17

Impy: *walks out of hut* Where did everybody go? *looks upward for no particular reason*
Faramir: *stumbles out of hut* I did not know I could feel pain in that region.
Impy: Sorry, I'm double jointed sooooo...*keeps staring upward at trees* Wait a second....He's in the trees! *runs into forest*

Zed: 2:29

Zed: *riding along the path* Where the hell is she?
Sheppard: Wouldn't she normally be in the hut when her mind isn't here?
Zed: I checked there. And last time I was here I left first so I have no idea where she went.
O'Neill: Did you check the cotton candy clouds?
Zed: Yes I did, I'm not an idiot.
Jayne: What about the pond? Y'know the one you guys made so we could breathe underwater?
Zed: Only a crazy person wouldn't check there.
Jayne: *under his breath* I'm pretty sure only a crazy person would check there...
Lorne: *over radio* Um we found something... interesting... you should probably take a look at.
Zed: *snaps her fingers and appears next to Lorne's team* Huh... He's um... What is he doing?
Lorne: He's trying to take over the Island again, this is how he did it last time. He wanted power not sex.
Ten: Madman...
Zed: Wait, back up, THIS is how he took over last time? ... With a chocolate bunny army?!
Lorne: *nods*
Zed: And you LOST against him.
*Lorne nods again*
Zed: *blank stare*
Lorne: They're tougher than they look....

Impy: 2:39

Impy: Ow...note to self; I'm to clumsy to climb trees.
*sees random ferns moving...out hops a bunny*
Bunny: *moves awkwardly towards her*
Impy: Wait...you're not...how are you moving?
Bunny: *starts moving faster, baring tiny chocolate teeth*
Impy: O_O *runs*

Zed: 2:48

Zed: *hears a scream from beach* Well... Crap.
*everyone runs back towards the huts*
Zed: Why am I running? *snaps fingers and appears on the beach*
Impy: HELP ME!
Zed: *turns around to see Impy tied to a tree by the chocolate bunnies who are now chewing on her shoes* THEY'RE SIX INCHES TALL! Just step on them for fuck's sake. *begins walking to where Impy is tied up* *kicks several bunnies out of the way*
Impy: You don't want to do that...
Zed: Sure I don't... *begins cutting at the ropes*
Zed: *turns towards the noise* *sees choco!bunny foaming at the mouth and growling at her* What do you think you're gonna do? Gnaw on my toe?
Choco!Bunny: *bares all of its very large teeth*
Zed: ... Frak. *begins running and screaming at the top of her lungs*
Men: *are still trying to get through the jungle on horseback*
Aragorn: Our masters are in danger! *is the first person to realize they can now dismount their horse* *runs towards the beach* FFOOOORRRR FRODOOOO!!!!!
*everyone else runs after him*

Impy: 3:13

Impy: *is still screaming for dear life as the chocolate bunnies start biting her ankles*
Men: *charge onto the beach, each with they're own weapon leaving destroyed chocolate bunnies in they're wake*
Zed: *screaming stumbles onto the beach*
Impy: Men stop! Stop! The more you kill the larger they'll be when they reform.
Hatter: I really don't see-
Impy: How the hell do you think I got tied up? *continues to kick at the bunnies*
*as if on cue a large bunny steps out from behind the tree*
Dean: Son of a Bitch!

Zed: 3:26

*loud booming voice*
Zed: Tesla did it. Save us, oh mysterious voice!
*loud clap of thunder*
Choco!Bunnies: *begin to disappear one by one*
Zed: Thank you, cloud man.
*a heavenly light floats down to the Island and takes the form of a human*
Zed: Rocky? What the hell?
Zed: Hold on a sec, can you, um, can you stop that? It's giving me a headache.
Rock: As you wish. I saw in Tesla's mind his plan. So I took form in the heavens to protect our solace.
Zed: ... ... ... What the fuck.
Zed: 0.0 Ohhhhkaaaayyy.
Rock: I have removed the evil thoughts from the one called Tesla's mind. He shall henceforth be as docile as a rabbit.
Zed: I really hope you don't mean his little chocolate rabbits.
Rock: I shall take my leave. Enjoy your peace, I shall return when you need me most... Unless I get really horny... I'd probably return at that point too... Farewell.
Zed: OK, for real? What the hell?!

Impy: 3:30

Impy: o.O
Hatter: You ok?
Impy: Does stuff like this happen often?
Impy: I think I need hut time.
Hatter: *picks her up and carries her to the hut*
Zed: Oooook now that that's over with....Where is Tesla?

Zed: 3:38

Tessy: *shouting from the woods, at the top of a tree* HELLO? Can anyone hear me?
Lorne: Yes, we can. What the hell do you want?
Tessy: *whimpers* Help me.
Lorne: Help you what?
Tesla: Down. Scared of heights. *clings to tree for dear life*
Lorne: You gotta be kidding me.
Tessy: I assure you I'm not. And if you help me I promise to never attempt to control the Island ever, ever again.
Zed: You can't anyway, the evil is gone.
Tessy: *wry smile* It's never all gone, baby.
Zed: *blank stare*
Zed: *sigh* Fine. *snaps fingers and Tesla appears next to her on the ground* Happy?
Tessy: Exceedingly. Now, since I'm not evil anymore.... Hut? Please?
Zed: *big grin* No. The evil's never all gone. Baby. *evil grin*
Tessy: Son. Of. A. Bitch.
Zed: *walking away with the others* Lorne, you made an excellent team leader today, you deserve some hut!time. *jumps in his arms* Away with me. ;P
Lorne: Yes, ma'am!

Impy: 3:47

Impy: *walks out of hut* ALRIGHT! MEN FALL IN LINE
Men: *line up*
Impy: Now, I saw some great work today with the bunnies.
Mal: Thank you ma'am.
Impy: You're welcome. As I was saying, great work. By this time I'm sure you all know that I am looking for Spencer Reid.
Sparrow: ...Dillygaf?
Impy: shh....I'm also sure you all know that my powers are not as extensive as Zed's and Rocky's. So, I need your help.
Alec: And why exactly are we helping you?
Impy: I give you double jointed sex, that's reason enough.
Dean Touche.
Impy: Ok, now someone get the horses and you'll help me look because I have no idea where anything is....

Zed: 3:55

Zed: *watches them walk off* Tsk tsk. Don't you know anything?
Impy: About this place? No.
Zed: *snaps fingers* *Reid walks out of the woods* Mind control is a wonderful thing.
Reid: *to Zed* You called?
Zed: Yes. Stop running off. You're frustrating Impy.
Reid: My apologies, my liege.
Zed: Yeah, that's creepy. *snaps fingers to remove mind control*
Reid: *snaps out of it* *to Impy* Uh... Helloooo.
Impy: *swoons*
Zed: Go have some fun kiddos!
*Reid leads Impy to th hut*
Zed: You gonna call the men back to the beach?
Impy: How do you words?
Zed: Right... Well I'm not either. Hope they like camping.
Lorne: That's incredibly evil... And hot.
Zed: *big grin* Good boy. Now time for round two! *kicks the door shut behind her*

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So ... hello.

My name's Jamie! *waves*

I am exceedingly terrible at introductions but I guess I'll just start spouting out facts about myself.

*Senior in college. (Sociology major; Bio & Psych minors)
*Extremely addictive personality. Not to people in my everyday life but shows and movies and things that aren't people in my everyday life.
*My favorite show is Supernatural and I adore the cast. (Dean/Cas FTW)
*I watch a ton of shows.
*Currently addicted to Psych. Couldn't stand Shawn at first but grew to love him. Lassie and Gus are my faves.
*Socially awkward.
*Harry Potter
*Mark Pellegrino
*I like to sleep during the day and stay up at night. Although school and work try to prevent me from doing this on a daily basis. :/
*My favorite food is pizza. I am currently eating a grilled cheese sandwich.
*I have 2 brothers who I love more than anything. I have middle child syndrome.
*The Hunger Games Trilogy
*Three things I couldn't live without: my laptop, my car, and my iPhone
*Lord of the Rings
*Darren Criss
*Johnny Depp
*I hate facebook. But I check it every day.
*I have tumblr: teddybeardoctor.tumblr.com