Saturday, October 30, 2010

Things I want to kill #1 - 3D Movies

You guys all know about the 3D movie trend lately, right? Did you also know that about 18% of people can't see 3D? Well, it's true. And guess who's in the 18%? That's right, me.

Anyone who knows me knows I love the Saw movies.
Anyone who's been watching TV in the last month knows Saw VII is a 3D exclusive release.
Now anyone with a brain can figure out that Saw + 3D only = Charlie making this face:

Hollywood, I'm making a plea to you. Please keep in mind that some people can't see 3D.
I know it's a small percent but still. We don't like getting headaches because some dickhead decided the last movie in their favorite series HAS to be in 3D and there's no other way to see it. Shove those 3D glasses up your ass and make some damn 2D showings for fuck's sake!

Basically this post was just me bitching. It is the first but will certainly not be the last. You've been warned. -_-


  1. 3D movies are the devil. I hate those glasses


  2. I hate 3D movies with a passion. I saw Jackass in 3D 'cause my friend wanted to for her birthday.
    You know how there's always some variation of shit or vomit or other disgusting-ness?

    Yeah, 3D can kiss my ass.
