Monday, November 22, 2010

Dream diary #2

If you've read any of the dreams I had posted on IMDb a while back, you'll understand that this is pretty much business as usual. :P

NOTE: Most of this is paraphrased but it's as close as I remember.

It started off pretty much where the last dream I posted, left off (which is weird because I had that dream like a year ago O_o )

Sitting out in the same field, Chavez, O'Neill and the rest of us had set up a camp, trying to recover from our recent adventures. I should also note that our team gained a few members; Fenster from The Usual Suspects (who didn't actually do much. I only recall him speaking once), and what I think was Henry from Sanctuary but can't really remember.

Henry: So what now?
Chavez: Now... *sigh* I don't know.
Me: (henceforth known as Zed) Stopping one bomb isn't going to stop the entire plan.
O'Neill: We've been thinking about that.
Chavez: Did you happen to see any maps or anything on their computers?
Zed: Uh-uh. Mostly videos depicting what will happens once it goes. It wasn't pretty.

There was a bit more conversation that I don't remember, at the end of which we decided to head out to our next lead. It was a large front company based in Raccoon City (I always end up there somehow...)

When we walked into town (I have no idea why we walked instead of driving or flying) it was deserted. "Whoa." I said to myself, "Déjà vu."
Helen: What?
Zed: I... feel like I've done this before. But, I've never been here... I don't think.
Chavez looked quite concerned at this point but said nothing.
O'Neill: *points to a large glass building a few blocks ahead of us* That's where we're headed.

We made our way up the street and into the lobby of the building, also deserted. O'Neill led us through the building and into a laboratory in the back. In front of us was a large metal device covered with pulsing lights.
Fenster: Dat it?
Chavez: *opening a pack of tools* Yeah, I think it is. *He lifts a cover on the bomb*
O'Neill: Shit!
Henry/Zed: What?
Chavez: It's already been deployed. We need to get out of here.

As we try to leave the same way we came in but are met by a wall of people (zombies.)
Helen: Shoot them in the head.
Zed: What?!
Chavez: They're not human. Not anymore.

To save time I'm going to skip over our escape. Long story short, we kicked ass, took names, and made it back to our camp outside town.
Helen: We aren't safe here.
Chavez: You think we don't know that?!
Zed: Hey! Don't be a bitch. She's just trying to help.
Chavez: By stating the obvious?!
Zed: What the hell is your problem? *walks away from him*
Chavez: Shit. I'm sorry. I don't... I'm sorry. *pinches the bridge of his nose* Ever since we got here, I just feel... You know what, it doesn't matter. I'm sorry.

Then my brain made a time warp.
It was the middle of the night, I woke up to coughing and retching outside my tent. It was Chavez, he was dying.
Zed: How? Why?
O'Neill: *trying to pull me away* It must have been the bomb; some of the poison still in it. *turns me and makes me face him* There's nothing we can do.
Chavez: Just leave. You know what's going to happen.
Zed: I can't.
Chavez: I won't let you die too. You have to finish this.
My legs gave way, I was on the ground watching the man I loved die. (Usually in my dreams, my real-life hubby doesn't exist. No idea why...) O'Neill and Henry carried me away. "It's for the best." one of them said. I knew they were right but it didn't help. (Another thing I should mention is that, when I do remember my dreams [which isn't very often], they're extremely vivid. I remember practically everything, especially the emotions dream!Me goes through, I think that's why I feel so crappy most of the time.)

We camped out in an abandoned building in town.
O'Neill: We need some supplies or we're not going to make it.
No replies.
O'Neill: I know this hurts, it's a terrible loss, but... We still have a job to do. If the Akthemarions (The bad guys we were up against in the first dream) get the bombs first, there's going to be a lot more losses. Billions.
Helen: We know that. But you have to give us time to grieve.
O'Neill: While you grieve they're getting closer and closer to wiping out humanity.
At this point I got up to leave.
Helen: Hey. Where are you going?
Zed: To find some supplies.
O'Neill: You can't go alone.
Zed: I need to. OK? I'll be careful. Don't worry.
And left without another word.

Next thing I remember I was in a blown out grocery store looking for bottled water and canned goods. A figure stepped out from behind one of the shelves. I raised my gun. "Don't shoot!" A voice I thought I recognized called out. The figured stepped into the light. It was Leon (but dream!me did know that, I only know that it was the mysterious man that had helped back in the Penam Base.)

Zed: Who are you?!
Leon: You really don't know?
Zed: ... No.
Leon: *changing the subject* Where are your friends? You shouldn't be here alone.
Zed: I... Needed to get away. We lost a friend today.
Leon: Yeah. I uh, passed through your camp. I'm sorry.
Zed: You're sorry? For what? Who the hell are you anyway?!
Leon: *lets out a long sigh* Can I just say an old friend and leave it at that?
Zed: I don't think so. *aims gun at Leon* I want to know who you are and why you keep showing up.
Leon: Goddamn it. Can it wait? There are loads of walkers surrounding this place. (I love that the Walking Dead's apparent hatred of the word "zombies" leaked into my subconscious.)
Zed: Fine. But I want answers.
Leon: And you'll get them, I promise.
Something inside me made me believe this promise. Every part of me trusted him

Once we were in a secure building Leon turned to face me. "You want answers?" I nodded. "Are you sure. I highly doubt you'll like what you find." I said nothing so he took it as a sign he should continue. "Up until about 5 years ago, you and I both worked for the Umbrella Corporation. We were parters. It was our job to make sure Umbrella's failed experiments were... taken care of."

"No. I had never seen you before last week."

"Think about it. Why are you so relaxed around a guy you just met? Your body is familiar with mine even tho your mind isn't. We were more that parters, Charlie... You were my everything." I could see tears filling in his eyes. "Until they took you away from me. There was an accident in one of the labs, a young girl was infected by... God knows what, and you couldn't do it. You couldn't kill her so they terminated your employment. Your mind was wiped and filled with false memories. You were shipped off to work for another company, the Peeps."

"But... I... What about my team?"

"Same story, I suspect. That's what Umbrella does."

"And Chavez? He started the team, I've seen the pictures."

"That's a story I'd like to hear for myself. But it is possible he was in charge of the whole thing. Including buying the rest of you."

"No! Don't talk about him like that!"

"I'm sorry. Really."

"I have to go. The rest of my team is waiting..."

"Wait! I have something to show you. To prove I'm telling the truth."

He led me to a bunker of some sort, quarters for whoever had worked there. "In here." He led me into a darked room. I could see pictures on the wall. I looked at them carefully. They were of me. And him. One was a wedding portrait. It was at that point that all of it came flooding back. (And by "it" I mean all the other dreams I'd had about him.

I collapsed to the floor. "Leon?"

"Yes." At wasn't until that moment I realized I knew his name but he'd never told me.

"Oh... My god. How could I forget you?"

He chuckled. "Machine over mind." He hugged me for a while.

"The bombs!"


"I remember where the bombs are! We have to go!" We ran back to the rest of my team.

The were alarmed by the interloper but listened to the story. When he was done O'Neill turned to me. "You really believe all of this?"
Zed: I do. Jack, I saw the pictures... I remember now.
O'Neill: OK. If you believe him then I do to.
Zed: Jack... That's not all I remember. I know where the rest of the bombs are. I saw the plans 6 years ago.
O'Neill: *nods* Let's go.

It was at this point I was rudely awakened by my cat jumping on my face. :\ I really wish I'd gotten to see what happened next. Here's hoping my subconscious decides to finish the storyline tonight!

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