Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How my brain spends its nights

This is one of my dreams from forever ago but it's a personal fave. (Italicizes are me being snarky)  Enjoy:

I have no idea how it started out but I was chosen for some mission type thing. There were two groups. My team was hired by an unknown person to discover the secrets the government were hiding, it was comprised of myself, Chavez from Young Guns, O'Neill from SG-1 and two other people I can't remember. The other team was from an enemy nation and were also trying to discover what was hidden and kill us along the way, the team included random people from my past and some wizard and Col. Telford from SGU, IDEK. (I still find it strange that my subconscious felt the need to have two versions of Lou Diamond Phillips.)

We enter a large glass building, up the elevator, out into a white hallway with a door on either side. We know right where we're going. Chavez and O'Neill keep their guns on a woman at the desk as I search through some offices before emerging with a slip of paper with a passcode written on it.

So we're going to the next location and I get a call from a voice I know can't identify:
Voice: *crying* Where are you?
Zed: Erm... Little busy, who is this? What's wrong?
Voice: They said you have to stop, they're going to kill me.
Zed: Huh?
The line disconnects.
Chavez: Who was that?
Zed: Hell if I know...
(Dream me is so cool when someone she knows may be dying...)
We creep up behind two people entering where we're headed. A large cliff face surrounded by a huge wall.

A number keypad is in front of us.
The door opens with a buzz.

Inside is a large stone courtyard with corridors and stairwells leading every which way. Kinda like Minas Tirith. (Every fandom of mine got thrown into the mixing pot that night.)

We start down one corridor when the door opens again, the other team enters. Chavez throws a knife and takes out one of the guys, a gunfight ensues before our team heads up the stairs again.

"It's around here somewhere, I know it!" I say as we enter another courtyard.

"There!" O'Neill points to an opening in the stone face of the mountain.

One of the my team members I can't remember enters with me. (I know she was female but that's about it, might have been Sam or Helen) We're attacked and knocked unconscious. We wake up with out hands and feet locked in old-fashioned stock thingies.

"Oh, God, ow... I'm bleeding," my teammate says.

I crawl over to where she is (crawl isn't the right word but you know what I mean.) "We're locked in tight but I think I might be able to stand."

"You can't." says a voice from nowhere.
"Well that was creepy." I say. "Who's there?"

Leon (from Resident Evil) steps out from the shadows, for some reason dream me doesn't recognize him.
(My dreams for about a month leading up to this had all starred Leon and I and in most of them we were together.)

I stand up but the stocks hurt my feet so I have to lean against a wall. "Who are you?"
Leon: You don't remember.
Me: Remember? I've never seen you before in my life.
Leon: *a look of pain, anger and sadness all at once flushed across his face*
Me: That wasn't the right thing to say... Crap.

Leon rushes over, kisses me (and feels me up, hand totally on boob and grabage) "I love you." He whispers, releasing me, the stocks fell with a clank. Clearing his throat he said "You have to get away from here. At 11:53 tonight, if you're anywhere near this place you'll be killed. Go. Your friends will be safe but you won't."

I run outside, slamming into Chavez and nearly knocking him over. We kissed then the other team caught up with us. Sensing something was up Chavez told me to go so I did, leaving him to fight off the others. I jet down a flight of stairs, almost get killed by several members of the other team who had fallen behind.

I squeezed out through a grate and ran down the block. I stopped to catch my breath only to find myself in the middle of a busy city."The hell..?" I thought. I turned around and ran back, retracing my steps but the city/fort/thing where I just was had vanished.

I ran back into the city, it was downtown Columbus about 20 mins from where I grew up. I collapsed in tears on the corner. I had left my team and the man I loved behind, I was safe but what had happened to them? More importantly, what the hell was I thinking?!

Taking a few deep breaths I listened to the sounds around me. Cars, birds and a bike messenger... But then I heard two voices talking. One mentioned the "Penam Project." So I followed them to a government building I had been in the day before. I enter lowering my cap as not to be recognized. I get in the elevator, there's only buttons for 30 floors even though the building has upwards of sixty. Lift the "emergency phone" cover, punch in 45 and the elevator jars upwards. Several people get on and off until I'm left with two people. I glance up. One of them was Rocky (It was also my mom at the same time which is like sooo bizarre).

"Rocky!" I hug her after the other person gets off. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to find you."
"But... How'd you kno--"
"Chavez told me. He's quite talkative when you get some whiskey in him."

We get off on level 45, walk down the same hallway as the day before but it's different. Pictures on the walls, bed in the offices. It looked just like a hospital.

I sit down at one of the desks and begin typing commands into the computer. Videos and images fill the screen.

I click one video to play. "This is Pete Townshend reporting live from outside Nationwide Arena where just hours ago thousands of people had gathered for the biggest event of the year, 'Monster Movie Fest: Best of The Rest.'" (That's not even a thing...)

Pausing the video I say "That's not till next week..." I allow the video to continue playing.

"During the final movie tonight a toxic cloud spread through the crowd killing every living creature here before spreading over the region." The clip ended.

"What is this?" I play another. It's a supposedly live clip of people running down High Street gasping and choking. I look out the window, everything's normal.

I play another video. It's in the very hallway we were in people bleeding from every orifice, coughing, choking dying on the floor in front of where I sat. I looked at other images and videos on the computer; newsflash about a pandemic spreading, a death count, videos instructing people to flee.

"It's not real. The government is trying to scare everyone and-and..."
"You really should have left it alone like I told you to." Rock said, it was the voice from earlier too.
"You're one of them. Of course, you wanted me to come back because we were close..."
"Yeah, you're not very quick on the uptake."
"Why are they faking this?!"
"Oh honey, they're not. Next week this is all gonna happen."
"They created it?"
"Yep. All these people running around, ruining the planet and for what?! 80 or so years or miserableness? Not anymore. We're going to make life count. Only those who truly value it shall receive life. All others shall perish. Starting with you." Rocky raises a gun aimed at me.
I lower my head, prepared to die. There's a gunshot. When I look up, Chavez and O'Neill enter, killing Rock. (Still sorry about that one, boo.) The alarms blare and we get out as fast as we can.

Next thing I remember we're in a dark field."How'd you get out?" I asked.
"The blond headed wide-eye that let you go helped us."
"It won't matter. Next week the government's going to kill anyone they don't think values life."
"No they're not. He let us through, the poison has been destroyed. Here, drink this." He hands me a bottle of water.
I drink it while pondering what's happened. "Who was he? He said he knew me but..."
"Must have been in another life."

Then I woke up.


  1. Whoa.

    I want a dream where Leon grabs my boobs.

  2. This sounded like a fucking movie! I never have epic dreams like this. Most of mine are just what someone would put in a video that they show to students at a high school before saying "Don't do drugs." :/

  3. LOL It felt like a movie when I was dreaming it. I should write a script of it but... Lazy :P
