Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Island - Part 2

 Before you read this there are a few things you should know:
Lupo is Detective Lupo from the last few seasons of Law & Order.
And this is his awesome hat that makes him look adorable:

 Also, I was either pregnant at this point or I had just miscarried and I was all drugged up. Rocky has no such excuse...

*pop* *pop*
Zed: *British accent* 'Ello boys!
Rock: Don't do that.
Zed: Kay.
Men: *confused*
Zed: [biggrin]You're all so adorable when you're confused!
Fargo: Even me?
Zed&Rock: *share a look*
Zed: Even you--
Fargo: *starts to speak*
Rock: BUT! Don't push it.
Zed: Okay men, we have some new additions to the Island!
Men: *pout*
Zed: First off, John Druitt. *snap*
Rock: Up next is Will Zimmerman! *snap*
Zed: Anyone else? *doesn't wait for an answer* Druitt! Hut. Now.
John: Are you always this way?
Zed: [yes]*jumps him* Now go!
Sparrow: I new a "Will" once...very stupid.
Will: I'm a forensic psychologist and have degrees in-
Sparrow: Shhhh! Dilly-gaff mate.
Will: Excuse me?
Sparrow: It's what the crazy one's always saying when she's bored.
Rock: Me?
Sparrow: No, t'other one. Wait, there really are two of you right? I'm not seeing double?
Rock: Don't make me confiscate the rum.
Will: What's "Dilly-gaff"?
Sparrow: Not the rum!
Rock: *ignores pleading Jack* I think he means D-I-L-L-I-G-A-F, which stands for-
Will: Oh! I know what that stands for.
Rock: Did he just interrupt me?
Sparrow: Blood hell now you've done it.
Rock: He interrupted me...I was ignoring someone far scruffier and with an accent for the fresh meat and he interrupted me.
Sparrow: Jacks! Assemble!
*O'Neill, Carter and Harkness arrive*
O'Neill: Oh crap. We've got a red light situation, Jacks disrobe!
*Jack4 remove shirts*
Rock: *is distracted*
Carter: No one make any sudden moves, if we can get her to the hut we should be able to avoid bloodshed.
Rock: But I like a little....
Will: *scared*
Harkness: So do we love, so do we.
Sparrow: I told ya Wills were one ever listens.
*orgy moves to hut*
Zed: *giggle* *sneaks up behind Will and grabs his ass*
Will: Ahhh!!! *jumps*
Zed: *collapses in a fit of giggles* I'm..[laugh] sorry! I couldn't-- Bwahahahaha!-- help myself. *giggle* *regains composure* *deep breath* Ok... I'm ok. *walks off*
Will: That one scares me.
Druitt: *scared!nod* She's quite... odd.
Will: That coming from time traveling, space warping Jack the Ripper... My life is weird.
Zed: I know who we forgot!!! *snaps fingers*
Mason: *pop* What the bloody hell was that?!... Where're my clothes?
Zed: *innocent face* Um... In that hut. *points* I'll take you to get them and something else.[wink] *jumps in his arms*
Mason: What?
Zed: Nothing love let's just go...
Mason: *carries Zed to hut*
Rock: Well the good news is she can't kill him since he's already dead...the bad news is she knows this and will have no restraint with him.
Will: What does that mean?
Rock: *hands earplugs* It's gonna be a long night.
Will: *quakes in terror*
Sheppard: *whisper* Are you done hazing the new guy yet?
Rock: *snicker* Not even close.[biggrin]
Sheppard: Have I told you lately how much your evil side turns me on?
Rock: Why don't you show me? *is carried to hut*
Zed: *is layed on the sand* Ah Mason... Mason, Mason, Mason.... Your wank really is the key...
Mason: *blush* Would ya mind tellin' that to Daisy?
Zed: No! You belong to me now!
Mason: Like a hooker?
Zed: No. I own you forever, not just an hour.
Mason: *whispers to O'Neill* She's mean.
Sparrow: See?! Dilly-gaff.
Zed: *hangs head* You're lucky you're sexy.
Zed: You've yet to be de-flowered... *jumps Will* Is it bad that I find that hot? wait-- Don't analyze me.
Will: OK...
Zed: Hut! *is carried off*
Rock: Where's the new guy?
Rock: But I was playing with him!
Rock: Oh yeah?!
Rock: I was not wasting time, the more scared he got the better the sex was gonna be!
Rock: I suppose you're right, there is nothing quite so traumatizing as spending time with you in the hut.
Rock: Come on, you left yourself open for that one!
Rock: *sigh* Alright, I'm sorry.
Druitt: And they call me crazy....
Henry: *shrug* You get used to it.
Druitt: You're the scruffy one, why are you not quaking in terror?
Henry: The girls like me, think I'm cute [yes]
Druitt: Do you expect them to stop me?
Henry: I really hope so....
Rock: Hey! John boy! He's our pet and only we get to play with him.
Henry: *hides behind Rock*
Rock: Actually, the two of you might be fun together....
Druitt: If you expect me to share you with that-
Rock: Silence! *snaps fingers* The only time I want to hear sound coming out of your mouth is when I make you scream, you got that?
Druitt: *nods head*
Rock: Good. Hut. Now!
Henry: *follows Rock and Druitt to hut* That was so sexy...I'm in trouble.
Zed: Heeeyyyy I wanted to try them out!
Zed: You were being slow!!!
Zed: *mumble*grumble* DILLIGAF?!
Sparrow: *opens mouth to speak*
Zed: DON'T!
Will: O_O Terrified now...
Lorne: You get used to it... Kinda.
Will: Kavanaugh?!
Lorne: No! And don't confuse me with that prick again or I start to shoot. Got it?
Will: *nod*
Zed: *jumps Lorne* Have I told you you're really hot when you're being threatening?
Lorne: Yeah.... But I'd love to hear it again. *takes to hut*
Sparrow: *mutters* That was my new favorite word too.
Rock: *pets* It's okay sweetie. Say it for me.
Sparrow: *sniff* Don't want to.
Rock: Come on, it sounds all sexy when you say it.
Sparrow: Dilly-gaff!
Rock: *giggle* [kiss]
Will: That one's nice, she seems nice....But still scary.
Dean: That's just cause the other one's knocked up and hormonal.
Will: O_O But...the things she did....
Dean: Not here ya idjit. In the "other world".
Will: I see *doesn't see*
Bobby: Boy did you just use my word?!
O'Neill: See! Nobody likes it when you steal their catch phrases!
Bobby: Shut it ya idjit.
O'Neill: Yes Bobby.
Rock: No snarky comebacks? No quips in reply? Bobby. You're magic!
Bobby: Duh.
Rock: So's Zeddy and I were to make a chart listing the relation of men to O'Neill then Bobby would be the supreme high commander of all men, while others can be equated to O'Neill none can come close to Bobby. Our entire hierarchical system is going to have to be redone.
Bobby: Dean would you?
Dean: *kisses Rock*
Rock: Thoughts...soft...pretty eyes....*system idle: waiting for reboot*
Dean: Come on sugar, let's go to the hut.
Rock!brain: *restarts*
Rock: Hut! \o/
Zed: Who wants to play?
Fargo: [wave]
Zed: Hmmm... I reached an episode where you almost died and I realized if they'd killed you I'd have been sad... So okay... *takes to hut*
Carter: Drugs?
Stark: Oh yeah!
Carter: Should we stop her?
Sparrow: Not yet. She was mean to me.
Carter: What'd she mean she "reached an episode" and if who had killed him?
Stark: Drugs dude...
Carter: Riiight.
Mason: Are things ever less....
Carter: Weird?
Stark: Crazy?
Zane: Bat crap insane?
Mason: That one! Are things ever less bat shit insane around here?
All except the new Men: [yes]No!
Rock: You let her go to the hut with Fargo?
Carter: She seemed to know what she was doing.
Rock: You let her go to the hut with Fargo?!
Stark: She said that she would be sad if he were dead and wanted to.
Rock: You let her go to the hut with Fargo?!
Sparrow: She was mean to me.
Men: *cower*
Rock: If you value your vital parts you will fix this!
Zane: How?
Rock: Dilly-gaff.
Sparrow: I don't think I like that word anymore.
Zed: *is dragged back* OW!!!! Let go! Ow ow ow!!!
Zane: She bit me! I think I have rabies...
Zed: No I have babies.. Wait that's not what you said... What'd you say?
Zane: Shut up!
Zed: Make me!
Druitt: *steps up with a knife*
Zed: Please don't make me. *cowers*
Rock: Ok... Men assemble!
Men: *line up one by one*
Rock: When I call out you're name step up and take your shirt off... It's time for therapy. Alright, Zed, when they come up I want you to tell me if they're hot or not. Ok?
Rock: Stark!
*stark removes shirt*
Zed: Hot!!
Rock: Very good! Ok.... Carter!
*Carter removes shirt*
Zed: Hot!
Rock: Very... Uhmm... Druitt! She seems to have a thing for you and your mild mannered alter-ego. You next.
*Druitt removes his shirt*
Zed: HOT!!!!!!
Rock: Settle!
Rock: Fargo! You next everyone turn away...
*Fargo removes shirt*
Zed: Kinda hot.
Everyone: 0.0
Rock: That was disturbing.
Zed: Why?
Rock: Because you're my braintwin and if you think he's hot then I think he's hot and I'm not willing to accept that!
Fargo: It's not that inconceivable.
Men: Yes. Yes it is.
Fargo *pouts*
Rock: I only know of one cure for this level of warped perception. It requires The Ritual of the Three.
Carter: The what now of the how many?
Rock: Science and horny women did what God dared not. While he bestowed upon the world one...we made two more, and risked us all by the incredible power of so much hot existing at once. Only they can right this wrong.
Druitt: What the hell is she talking about?
Rock: Lupos.... We must send for the Lupos.
Zed: That'll kill me! And probably all of you! You can't!
Rock: It's the only way...
Zed: I was only joking![sad] I was just trying to screw with the NEWBs and hopefully you guys in the process! *sob* I don't want to be killed! Tell 'em!
Fargo: She made me stand in the closet in the hut while she did her nails on the bed.
Men: Ha-Ha![none]
Rock: We must... *covers Zed's head with a bag*
Zed: REALLY?! Cheese-tastic!
Rock: *kicks* Shut it demon!
Zed: Oh Hell to the no!
Carter: If she really was just goofing around.
Rock: Silence! It is too late. They come.
Zed: *opens mouth*
Rock: Don't!
Zed: *pout* How did you know? I've got a bag over my head.
Zed: Oh, right.
Rock: [roll]
Zed: Don't you roll your eyes at me!
Will: Can I go home now?
Zed: *creepy voice made creepier by bag* This is your home now Will.
Rock: You belong with us.
Zed: You belong to us.
Will: *screams like little girl*
Rock&Zed: [laugh][laugh]
Zed: Whew! That was fun!
Rock: Yeah...well, time to die. *snaps fingers*
*Lupos appear*
Zed: Please?! I just proved to you that it's me!!! Come on!!
Rock: It's already begun... We must finish. Don't!
Zed: *pout* But-But What can I do to prove it? Do I have to kick Fargo in the nuts?!
Fargo: Heyy--
Zed&Rock: STFU n00b!
Lupos: *approach*
Zed: Back off!! I will cut a bitch!
Lupos: *inch closer*
Men: Maybe we should listen--
Rock: *psycho face* NO!
Rock: Anything without ovaries should leave now.
Stark: Why?
Zed: Their power, it's too great for mere mortal men.
Lupo1: We actually are mortal.
Rock: They speak! Leave. Unless you wish to be unmanned by their Hot.
Men: *scatter*
Zed: Can I take the bag off my head now?
Rock: No! First they must remove their shirts and put on the hat of sexiness, you have to receive the full effect or this won't work.
Lupo2: You want us topless but wearing a hat?
Rock: We like the hat....
Zed: *bagged head nods up and down* We really really do!
Lupos: *take off shirts*put on hats*
Lupo3: Okay we're ready.
Rock: Zeddy, are you prepared?
Zed: No.
Rock: ...Too bad. *removes bag from Zeddy's head*
Zed: They....They're beautiful!
Choir of Angels: *singing* Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Zed: I--I... They're-- *eyes swell with tears*
Lupos: *are sexy*
Rock: Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Zed: It-It hurts but it hurts so good... But I'm-- *lights fade from eyes* I'm dy--*drops dead*
Rock: O_O *evil psycho laugh*
Rock: *laughing evilly* Wait...why am I still alive?
Ghost!Zed: I don't know...maybe your evil is sustaining you?
Rock: But I'm not evil...I just like act that way from time to time.
Ghost!Zed: Yeah well you "acting" got me killed!
Rock: But it cured you of your Fargo!lust.
Ghost!Zed: I wasn't lusting after him! It was a joke!
Rock: Well maybe next time you'll think twice before trying to prank me.
Lupos: Should we go?
Rock: Yes, Lupos 2 and 3 go to my hut. Lupo1 stay here and do a sexy dance to bring Zed back to life.
Ghost!Zed: Why do you get two of them?!
Rock: You're very fragile right now. Too much hot could result in a death relapse. *starts to follow Lupos*
Zed: At least leave me some singles to stuff in his boxers!
Rock: He's not wearing any! Consider it my gift to you, I know how much you hate them.
Ghost!Zed: *floats over to where the men are sitting* Lupo no worky.[sad]
Will: O_O *girly scream*
Ghost!Zed: Wussy!
Will: *screams again*
Ghost!Zed: If you don't stop that I will haunt your ass for the rest of your life...
Druitt: *waves hand trough Zed's head*
Ghost!Zed: Oh wow you have your fist in me... Aren't you special? That didn't come out right...
Halling: An ascended one! *bows*
Ghost!Zed:[misc2] Someone get him up.
Halling: *stands* *faces Druitt*
Druitt: Huh...
Both: *stare*
Ghost!Zed: Wow... You're uh... WOW!
O'Neill: *idea* You two! Hug!
Everyone: O_o
O'Neill: Just do it!
Halling/Druitt: *shrug* *hug*
Ghost!Zed: Oh my... *vanishes*
Will: *girly scream*
Alive!Zed: I said stoppit!
Will: *girly scream*
Zed: Why did we bring him here again?
Zed: Ah... Yes...
Druitt: Umm... Something you want to tell us...?
Zed: Not that I can think of...
Rock: *storms out of hut* You think he's-- they're hotter!!!
Zed: *innocent face*
Rock: Blasphemer!!!
Rock: *sitting with back to Zed*
O'Neill: Why don't you just talk to her?
Rock: No.
Carter: I'm sure there's a logical explanation.
Rock: No.
Sheppard: Maybe if you used your words to let Zed know why you're so upset...
Rock: No.
Dean: You guys wanna try the other one?
Men: *nod heads*
Stark: Could you apologize?
Zed: No.
Halling: She's very upset.
Zed: No.
Henry: You wanna go to the hut?
Zed: No. Wait....
Dean: *headslaps Henry*
Henry: What?!
Dean: Remember the mission!
Henry: Right, sorry....
Xander: Look maybe they just need some time appart. What's the worst that could happen?
*clouds begin to darken the sky* *thunder shakes the land*
Bobby: Storm's a comin', you men, those chicks, are smack in the middle of it.
Xander: Sometimes I shouldn't say words.
Stark: If you would just--
Zed: No.
Stark: That wasn't a question...
Zed: No.
Stark: At least we're in agreement there.
Zed: No.
Stark: Would you st--
Zed: NO!
Halling: Don't encourage her...
Bobby: Alright dammit! If you idjits don't agree to get along I am gonna-- *lightning strikes beside him* Who the f_ck did that?!
Rock&Zed: *look innocent*
O'Neill: They really are pissed.
Dean: You do realize you just about killed Bobby-- The Bobby?
Rock: Oh Please! Bobby was never in any danger.
Zed: Don't you trust us?
Men: *whistle innocently and avoid eye contact*
Rock: Zeddy, I think they're saying they don't trust us.
Zed: I think you're right Rocky.
Both: *narrow eyes*
Bobby: Congrats ya idjits! You managed to make them set aside their differences.
Dean: Yeah...but now they're gonna hurt us.
Bobby: You saying that kinky stuff's not something you're interested in?
Dean: ...Did you just...Bobby...said kinky.... I need to go throw up.
Zed: Dean! You're upset by him saying "kinky"? Trust me he knows kinky... *wink*
Dean: *dry heave*
Rock: Really kinky... Really familiar with bondage.
Dean: *throws up*
Zed: This is fun!!
Sheppard: So you two friends again?
Zed/Rock: No! Hmph! *turn backs to each other*
O'Neill: Ladies, ladies please. Why can't we all just get along?
Rock: Because she doesn't think Lupo's hot!
Zed: Because she doesn't think Halling/Druitt's hot!
Rock/Zed: Yes I do! You do?! No you don't! Would I lie? Yes! Okay fair enough....
Will: *banging head against a tree* Want. Off. This. Island!
O'Neill: Save your breath buddy... You ain't goin' anywhere unless they want you to.
Henry: Ladies, ladies... You like different things, that's okay!
Rock/Zed: Is not!
Sheppard: But you're different in other ways too...
Zed/Rock: Huh?
Shep: Sports! Zed, you despise them. Rock, you love them. You didn't get like this over that.
Rock: Those things don't count.
Zed: It's our opinion of hot that matters.
Harckness: Rock do you think Halling and Druitt are hot?
Rock: Exceedingly.
Carter: Zed do you think the Lupo's are hot?
Zed: Yes indeedy.
O'Neill: Then what's the problem?
Rock/Zed: You don't understand anything!
O'Neill: I'm very much aware of that.
Will: *still banging head against tree* Why. Wont. The. Nightmare. End?!
Sparrow: Dilly-gaff mate. Dilly-gaff.
Will: *leaps on Sparrow with insane scream* Stop saying that! It's meaningless! Nothing makes sense anymore! NOTHING! *curls up in ball and weeps*
Zed/Rock: Huh....
Zed: That was funny! Do it again!
Will: *screams at Zed*
Zed: I think I'm deaf!! *snaps fingers* That's better!
Mason: Alright I got it! You two can work out your agression in a pit of mud. Or Jell-o, I'm not picky...
Zed/Rock: *deadpan* Funny.
Will: *rocking back and forth sucking thumb*
Rock: Awww, he's reached the next stage of his transition.
Zed: They're so peaceful once they realize that no matter how loudly they scream help wont come.
Dean: I love being here...but sometimes the two of you scare the hell outta me.
Castiel: I thought that was my job, Dean! *runs off crying*
Dean: Dammit! He's been hanging with Uriel again, always makes him PMS like a bitch.
Zed/Rock: O_O
Zed: I don't even wanna know...
Rock: I do!
Zed: Weeeird...
Rock: *tackles Zed* Take it back!
Zed: Come on! You know you're weird! GTFO bitch!
*Coolies Jumps PMS!Castiel*
Rock: See! She likes PMS!Castiel!
Zed: She likes any kind of Castiel!
Mason: Now this is what I'm talking about, two women fighting...hold that position girls I'm off to get some jello!
Rock: *stops fighting* Oh my God.... What have we become?
Zed: I know...we're fighting for the pleasure of the men instead of the joy of it.
Rock: I...I don't know where it all went wrong.
Zed: Probably with you not thinking Halling and Druitt were good enough to bring me back to life.
Rock: Oh that is it, bring it bitch!
Both: *start fighting again*
Mason: Did I miss anything?
Dean: They almost had a truce...but that didn't work so well.
Mason: I love this Island!
Will: *still rocking back and forth* We're all going to die here.
Zed: *pins Rock to the ground* Now... Say it!
Rock: No!
Zed: Say it...
Rock: No!
Zed: *hits Rock's head against the ground* Say it!!
Mason: Tell her she's your sugar mama.
Zed/Rock: *stare* *share a look* *snaps fingers*
Mason: *a zipper appears on his lips and zips shut*
Zed: That's better! Where was I?
Carter: You were trying to make her say something.
Zed: Right! Say it! *punches*
Rock: Say what?!
Zed: You know what!!!
Rock: *flips Zeddy* I'm not saying whatever it is you want me to say!
Zed: *flips back* Yes you will!
Rock: *flips again* No I wont!
Dean: This is getting us nowhere and I'm horny.
Rock/Zed: *perk up* Really?! *stare at each other* But...fight to death. *stare at men* Hot...*torn*
Zed: *flips again* Just say they're totally worth me coming back for and I'll let you go!
Rock: *flips* Say the Lupos are the only ones worth coming back for and I'll let you go.
Zed: *flips* I don't think so!
Rock: *flips* Well I so think so.
Druitt: Stop this madness! I'm supposed to be the crazy one here!
Zed: *flips* *snaps fingers and an anvil falls on Druitt* You're new here so I let you off easy. Plus, I'll make it up to you as soon as she says it. *shoves Rock*
Mason: Mmm hmmm mhmm mmhs m mmhh mmm mhhm
Everyone: [confused]
Mason: *unzips lips* I said "I love chick fights and even I'm bored".
Zed/Rock: Ohhhh...*snap fingers*
Mason: *has piano fall on head*
Zed/Rock: *back to fighting*
Will: Stop it! Stop fighting! Can't you see you're tearing this family apart! *sobs*
Zed: Didn't you want to go home a few minutes ago? You have no say in this.
Rock: Yeah! Shut it!
Zed: You shut it unless you're gonna say it.
Rock: Make me.
Zed: *eyebrow raise* Gladly.
Druitt: Why can't they just admit that they find both me, my caveman-like twin and the police detective attractive?
Spike: Well Dru, it's like this. They're women.
Druitt: And?
Spike: I can't talk to this guy, he's clueless...hey!
Dean: What?
Spike: Where're my blood and smokes? They always snap in blood and smokes for me. This place is going to rot with them goofing off!
Rock: You call this goofing off?!
Zed: We're fighting for...freedom and...justice!
Rock: We're fighting because you don't love Lupo anymore!
Zed: No we're fighting because you don't think Halling and Druitt are good enough to come back from the dead for!
Rock: Of course they're good enough to come back from the dead for but you snubbed Lupo!
Zed: I did not snub. I just found someone I love more.
Rock: How is that not snubbing?
Zed: I still love him! I'm not totally abandoning my love of him... I'm just embracing a new love... Well, it's not new but it's stronger now. Mainly because he's really hot and kick ass and Alastair...
Rock: Are you done yet?
Zed: I think so...
Rock: But what about Wednesday nights? It's Lupo!night, we sit around for an hour and drool over him.
Zed: I know we do.
Rock: If you don't love him anymore then what will happen to Lupo!night?
Zed: I still love him...I just love someone else a little more right now.
Rock: *sniff* Can we still have Lupo!night?
Zed: Of course we'll still have Lupo!Night!!
Rock: *sniffle* Good!
Zed: We cool now? Bestest buds again?
Rock: *huggle*clings* Yeppers! Bestest of best buds!
Zed: *huggle!clings back* Good. Now can we play with the men?
Rock: Yeah. We should probably do something with Will, he's gone through the process and wants to stay now but...I think we might have left him alone to much.
Zed: What do you mean?
Rock: Will, he keeps crying and screaming randomly then he'll be fine for a bit before he loses it again.
Will: Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day!
Carter: Hi Will.
Will: *screams* Stay away from me! *sobs* I love kittens! *curls up in ball*
Carter: Okay then.
Zed: O_o
Rock: o_O
Zed: Yeah, we're gonna have to do something about that.
Rock: Soon.
Zed: Wait a minute... *snaps fingers*
Will: *starightens up* What's goin' on?
Zed: I fixed you!
Will: ...Huh?
Rock: I think it's best you don't know.
Zed: Probably...
Both: *walk away*
*Will is left with a totally confused look on his face*
Zed: Guess what!
Men: *cower*
Rock: No need! We're friends again!!!
*Zed and Rock hug*
Druitt: *is bleeding from his run in with the anvil*
Zed: Sorry 'bout that... *snaps*
Druitt!Injury: *heals*
Zed: *big smile* Now let me make it up to you! *jumps* *is carried to hut*
Dean: So what was the trouble between you two anyway?
Rock: You know.... I don't even remember anymore.
O'Neill: You put us through all that hell and you don't even remember?!
Rock: Yeah. You wanna make something of it?
O'Neill: Nope.
Rock: Thought not. Now, after all that fighting about hot-
O'Neill: You said you didn't remember.
Rock: Is it really wise to interrupt me?
O'Neill: ...I'll be quiet.
Rock: *stern glare* Good. Now as I was saying, after all that fighting about hot *pointed glare at O'Neill* I'm feeling a bit frisky. Dean, Alec! Hut time!
Alec: Where was I when the chick flick was going on?
Dean: Plucking your girly eyebrows?
Alec: You do realize we look exactly alike right?
Dean: Please! I am so much prettier then you.
Rock: Boys boys please. Let's settle this with the time honored tradition of the Game. Last one to the hut forfeits one scream point.[biggrin]
All: *rush to hut*
ThE eNd


  1. Dillygaf has officially entered my vocabulary

  2. \ (^o^) /
    We've corrupted another mind! ;)

  3. Again, I want an Island like this. >:|

  4. So, I get the general concept. But I can't read through all of this because it makes my head hurt :/ (And it's not anything personal, I just can never read long conversations like this if I'm not involved in them :P)

    I still love you though. (Well, I have to; I'm your mother. -_-)

  5. You want in Jamie? We'z havin' a paaaattttaaayyyy tonight.
