Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Think I'm Psychic

Like sort of Sam Winchester psychic...and no, I'm really not joking.

Ok, excluding ghost sightings and being able to predict what movie/song is going to come on TV/radio or what characters in said movie are going to say even though I've never seen it before, I hand to god have had what you can call prophetic dreams. Plus, bad vibes and major heart stopping instances of deja vu.

Don't believe me? I understand, but I'm going to tell you about a dream I once had when I was sixteen.

Randomly, in the middle of the night I woke up and wandered down stairs. Once there, through the dim light I could see my dad on the couch. He looked sick, like really sick and in a major amount of pain. I went over to him and asked what I could to and he told me just to talk to mom was taking care of it.

So, for probably an hour or so in 'dream time' I sat and talked to him, only pausing when my mother randomly came home, in her grip a large bag and with the way she walked it must've been heavy. Then she disappeared into the basement and I for some reason ignored this. A few more minutes passed until she came back into the room with my dad and I. For about ten minutes she was yelling at me that we had to leave. I refused until my dad told me he'd be fine.

My mom and I left the house and as we made our way to the car...our house blew up!

When I woke up, I looked out my window to see an dad had a heart attack. It was a small one and he's fine and everything, but seriously that's really frakin' creepy!

To be honest, I'm not sure what scares me more...what I woke up to or the fact that my mother might know how to handle explosives :\....'s hoping that Yellow Eyes didn't secretly pump me full of demon blood as a baby :D !!!


  1. Wowwww. That's intense. And I've had a lot of those things happen that you posted in the first paragraph (LM;LD)...but I've never had like prophetic dreams. Any more since then ?

  2. Not really, more of the deja vu/ really bad vibes.

    Well, there was this 1 thing that was weird. My brother was in a fire, the day after the season 2 finally of SPN weirdly enough, and seriously I was around fire the entire friend had a fire pit, cooking, etc. Anyway, I knew something bad was gonna happen, I just thought it was gonna happen to me and not my brother.

  3. and by entire night, I mean the night of the finale.

    oh yeah...spelled finale* wrong lol

  4. I didn't know Laura was one of your daughters too. I thought she was your sister. Or did you not notice it wasn't me?

  5. I didn't notice it wasn't you. -_-
