Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Island Back-Story.

OK, class. Today were taking a field trip. A trip into the mind of a slightly crazy, hormone-driven, hyperactive woman. A trip... to the ZEDDY ZONE!

[Do do do do, do do do do]

Yes, the Zeddy Zone. Where attractive men, food entertainment-- Anything you could ever want-- Is available in the snap of a finger. And it all happens on The Island!

I should probably give some back story on the Island... Originally, the Island was a coping mechanism when Rocky (that's Molly to you) and I discovered that one of our favorite characters was going to die in the series finale. (Can't remember what the show was at the moment but I'm sure Molly will know.) Anyway, we were in a state of denial when I (I think it was me...) started rocking back and forth mumbling to myself about "He's not dead. He's on a distant island. He's on an island and he's all mine." (Making this up? You decide...)

Well, long story short, that was when Rocky and I created the Island. On the Island, we are Gods of sorts. We are all powerful and all knowing. The Island is our haven, we can bring anything and anyone we want, to do with what we will. At writing there are over 100 characters/actors/musicians from various shows, movies and bands on the Island. (Including but not limited to: Stargates SG-1, Atlantis and Universe, Firefly, Kingdom Hospital, the Saw movies, Supernatural and Psych)

How the Island operates: Whenever Rocky and I are bored and/or horny we *pop* into the Island. The action happens in script-like tidbits, us taking turns making craziness. Everything you witness takes place on the beach, the more perverted parts take place within our Huts. No one knows what inside the hut except that it changes constantly.

Here's an excerpt from an old adventure so you get a taste how it works:

Zed&Rock: *pop*
Fargo: *creepy smile* Hello.
Zed: The hell..? I thought I fed you to a tiger.
Fargo: He didn't like me.
Zed: Figures.
Fargo: What's that's supposed to mean?
Zed: Nothing... *walks off*
Stark: Come on he's not that bad.
Zed: You're only saying that because you're used to him. It's like Stockholm Syndrome.
Stark: Not sure what to say.
Zed: Just agree with me.
Stark: Right. *walks away shaking his head*
Zed: *proud* Tessy! *jumps* I vant to suck your... Well. Let's just say it's not your blood. [wink]
Tesla: O_O 'Kay. *takes Zed to hut*
Rock: She really likes that Tesla guy.
Stark: Yeah, a little too much.
Ronom: *nods head grimly* But not for long.
Rock: What are you two plotting?
Stark&Ronom: Nothing.
Rock: Okay, but if there's any blood after you're done, I'm not cleaning it up.
Dean: [sad]
Rock: What's the matter sweetie?
Dean: Sam left me to hang with Ruby last night.
Rock: What the fuck is that bitch doing on our Island?!
Dean: ...I meant in the episode.
Rock: *calms* Right. Sorry.
Dean: *scared now*
Rock: Poor boo, I think I know a way to make you feel better. [winkgrin]
Dean: You terrify me, yet I can't resist. In fact, I think I like it!*picks up and carries to hut*
Tesla: *stumbles back* Well that was... Different.
Zed: Yeah... I'm kind of a freak.
Stark: *sarcastic* Captain Obvious! Is that you?!
Zed: Mean. *looks at men* Ooohhh... I know! *snaps fingers*
Halling: O_O Not again. Stop kidnapping our people!
Everyone: ...
Zed: Yeah. I'm not Michael and you're the only one here.
Halling: ...So it seems.
Ronom: What the hell?! Why is he here?! I'm the hot alien guy!!!
Zed: Shut it, fatty!
Ronom: [sad]*runs into woods crying*
Zed: Anyway... Welcome to the Island... *takes Halling to the hut*
Ronom: *emerges from the woods* I am not fat I have a high metabolism.
Rock: She says "Yeah. Uh-huh. Suuurrre."
Ronom: *sniff*
Rock: But what does she know? She's drugged up!
Ronom: Really?
Rock: Of course she is, why else would she have turned the clouds into cotton candy and brought live!chocolate bunnies to the Island?
Ronom: That's not exactly abnormal for her.
Rock: Good point.... *shrug* *snaps fingers*
Ronom: Why are we on one of the cotton candy clouds?
Rock: Because I'm in the mood for kinky food sex.
Ronom: What about the calories?
Rock: Trust me. We'll work 'em off. *jumps Nom*
Halling: Definitely not a wraith...
Zed: *giggle* Duh!
Carter: What's a wraith?
Zed: Uh evil green bastards who can suck the life out of you with their hands, the hell is that?
Rodney: Seriously!
Carter: Yeah, not a wraith.
Zed: But I do love to suck[yes] *blush* I mean... Uh... I-- W-- v.v Never mind.
O'Neill: Why do we let you speak?
Zed: *hangs head in shame* I don't know... Comfort me. *snuggles up to Jack*
Zed: Hut. Now! *takes Jack to hut*
Halling: What just happened?
Rock: SugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugar *runs around in circles*
Carter: What the hell?!
Ronom: She said she was hungry...
Carter: Okay...
Ronom: We were on one of the cotton candy clouds...
Rock: SugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugar *runs faster*
Carter: Oh. My. God.
Ronom: Yeah.
Sheppard: What the fuck was that?!
Rodney: ...I think she just broke the sound barrier.
Zed: O_o Rock! Rock Ro--
Rock: SugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugar
Zed: Ro-- *is knocked off her feet by tidal force wind* Shit. Can't. Breathe.
Rock: SugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugar
Zed: Someone stun her!
Men: *try to stun* *fail*
Rock: SugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugar
Zed: Tesla! Electrocute her!!
Tessy: Right. *shocks Rock*
Rock: SugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSug-- *thud*
Zed: Thank you!
Halling: Does this usually happen?
Zed: Only when you combine her two favorite things. Sex and candy.
Rock: *unconscious*
Fargo: She always looks so peaceful when she's sleeping...*reaches out to touch*
Carter: *slaps Fargo's hand away* I don't even want to think about how you know that.
Zed: Great. Now that's all I can think about... *is wigged out*
Halling: The small rodent like one worries me...perhaps we can kill him. Or tie him up so that the wraith will feed on him first and provide us with time to escape.
Men: O_O *take step away from Halling*
Zed: *takes step towards Halling* I love it when you talk sacrifice.
Halling: *takes step away from Zed*
Zed:[sad]Don't step away.
Halling: *takes another step back*
Zed: Stop that! *moves closer*
Halling: *another step*
Zed: *steps too*
Halling: *slowly backs away*
Zed: *pout* *begins chasing*
Halling: *runs for his life*
Everyone else: *totally used to this behavior*
Zed: *stops chasing Halling and goes after a chocolate bunneh*
Everyone: o_O...That's different.
Zed: *shoves chocolate bunneh in Rock's mouth*
Rock: SugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugar *jumps up and down*
Zed: Halling keeps running from me. Get him.
Rock: SureSugarSureSugarSureSugarSureSugarSureSugarSureSugarSureSugarSureSugar *chases Halling*
Halling: AHHHHH!!!! *runs* *doesn't stand a chance*
Rock: *tackles* *jumps up*
Halling: *tries running again*
Rock: *tackles* *does this several more times* FunFunFunFunFunFunFunFunFunFunFunFunFunFun
Carter: That's just mean.
Stark: I almost feel bad for the guy.
Ronom: I don't. *still pissed about being replaced*
Zed: *looks at each man* Let this be a lesson to all of you.
Halling: Please make her stop! Ahhh! *is tackled*
Zed: Rocky! Come here girl! *holds up another bunneh*
Rock: SugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugarSugar *jumps up and down trying to reach*
Zed: Here you go. *gives*
Halling: *weakly from the ground* Thank... you.
Zed: No problem! *scratches Rock behind the ears* *shifty eyes* *whispers that she'll give her another if she takes down Stark and Carter*
Rock: *nods excitedly* *gives chase* MoreSugarMoreSugarMoreSugarMoreSugarMoreSugarMoreSugarMoreSugarMoreSugar
Stark/Carter: Ahhhhhhh! *run away*
Zed: *collapses in a fit of giggles*
Halling: *tries to escape into the woods*
Zed: Oi!!! *tackles* Mine!
Zed: Fine! Ours!!
Zed: *is molesting Halling in the hut*
Men: *watching Rock chase Stark and Carter*
Dean: Oh, that's gonna leave a mark.
O'Neill: Looks like Jackie-boy 2 might get awa-no...guess not.
Ronom: I'm impressed, Stark's using him as bait. Way to sell out your fellow man.
Dean: I think it might be backfiring on him.
Carter: *flirting with Rock*
Rock: *smitten* *chases after Stark with renewed enthusiasm*
Stark: Ahhhh! *is tackled*
Carter: *sneaks away*
Rock: *sits up* *looks around* *spots Carter* *growl*
Carter: *girly scream* Please NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! *is tackled*
Rock: BadCarterBadCarterBadCarterBadCarterBadCarterBadCarter
Rock: ZeddySaysKeepItDownZeddySaysKeepItDownZeddySaysKeepItDown SorryZeddyBadCarterSaySorrySorryZeddyBadCarterSaySorryZeddyBadCarterSaySorry
Dean: I wonder what she'd be like in bed like this...
Men: O_o
Dean: What?
Rock: *stops* HutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHut?
Dean: O_O Uh...
Rock: HutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHut?!
Dean: *scared* *shakes head no*
Rock: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! *goes after Carter*
Carter: *bloody murder scream*
Zed: I said QUIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rock: SorryZeddyHe'sAFighterSorryZeddyHe'sAFighterSorryZeddyHe'sFightingIt
Halling: *has taken the chance to escape*
Zed:God dammit! *swallows bunneh* GottaGetHimGottaGetHimGottaGetHimGottaGetHimGottaGetHimGottaGetHim
Halling: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Zed: ChaseChaseChaseChaseChaseChaseChaseChaseChaseChaseChaseChaseChaseChase!
Halling: Help meeeeee!
Zed: NoOneCanHelpNoOneCanHelpNoOneCanHelpNoOneIsGonnaHelpYou!!!
Rock: *tackles Carter*
Carter: *plays dead*
Rock: HutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHutHut?
Carter: *still playing dead*
Rock: NoFunNoFunNoFunNoFunNoFunNoFunNoFunNoFun...Dean!Dean!Dean!Dean!Dean!Dean!
Dean: Son of a bitch! *runs*
Halling: Help MEEEEEEEE!!!!
Dean: *looks behind at Rock chasing*
Halling: *looks behind at Zed chasing*
Both: *crash into each other*
Zed: StupidBoysStupidBoysStupidBoysStupidBoysStupidBoysStupidBoys
Rock: CanHazNow?CanHazNow?CanHazNow?CanHazNow?CanHazNow?
Zed&Rock: *takes man of choice* *go to huts*
Men: *listening to noises coming from huts* [odd]
Zed: *walks out of hut supporting Halling* Come on, you can make it back to camp.
Halling: T-Too Tired...
Rock: *walks out of hut supporting Dean* Poor guy, you're all tuckered out huh.
Dean: I can't feel my legs... are they still there? *looks down* Hello legs...
Men: Are you two back to... normal?
Zed&Rock: [yes]
Zed: We just needed to work off the sugar rush.
Rock: And boy did we work it.
Halling&Dean: *pass out*
Zed: Halling? Halling? *poke poke* Uh-oh. Doc!
Doctor: What?
Zed: Not you! Carson!
Carson: Yes, love?
Zed: I think I killed him.[sad]
Carson: Well he has a pulse... They both do.
Zed: Phwew. *wipes brow*
Halling: *coming too*
Zed: You okay? Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to hurt you!
Halling: I think I'd prefer the wrath next time.
Zed: *hurt*
Dean: *groan* I hurt all over.
Rock: Erm...sorry?
Halling: She's sorry for what they did to us?
Dean: No! Never be sorry for that. That was...damn! Maybe a little less...vigorous next time.
Halling: You enjoyed what they did?
Dean: You didn't?!
Halling: I...I blocked it out.
Dean: Dude. Trust me. Unblock.
Halling: *begins remembering* *quakes in terror*
Zed: Thanks Dean but I don't think that's gonna wor-
Dean: Wait for it.
Halling: *gets to the good stuff* Ohhhh.... Zed?
Zed: Yes?
Halling: When I regain the use of my legs, can we do that again?
Zed: Hell boo, you don't really need your legs...[biggrin]
Rock: *cough*Too Strong*cough*don't scare him off*cough*cough*
Zed: I mean...yes. Yes we can.
Halling *happy*
Dean: I'm so awesome.... *passes out again*
Zed: They look so sweet.
Rock: Just like little angels.
Castiel: Hey!
Zed: Sorry candy ass.
Cas: What?
Zed: What?
Cas: What?
Zed: What?!
Cas: Never mind.
Zed: What I thought.
Zed&Rock: *crack up*
Ford: Scared.
Rest of Men: O_O *nod*

That is honestly one of our best nights. So why am I telling you all this? Well, the Island is probably going to be coming to our humble little blog soon! Keep an eye open! :)

EDIT: Another important note: "Ronom" is the character Ronon Dex from Stargate: Atlantis. When we first brought him to the Island we always had him eating and when he ate he went "om nom nom nom" and for some reason my brain wanted to put "Ronom" instead of "Ronon" so eventually his name was changed to "Ronom the Nom"


  1. *is crying in corner*


    I WANT IN!

  2. LOL You can join but you'll have to go through an initiation. I'm not sure what this will entail but we'll come up with something ;P

  3. hmmmm, as long as it doesn't involve sharks bees or jellyfish...I'm good!
