Sunday, December 19, 2010

Island Adventure: Good Night and Good Luck

Rock posted 9:05

Rock: Okay Men, listen up.
Men: *gather round*
Rock: Our beloved Zeddy is leaving us-
Men: *wailing* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rock: *holds up hand for silence*
Men: *quietly sob*
Rock: We'll miss her terribly but tonight's not about that, tonight we celebrate the love and good times we've shared over the past years.
Men: *sniffle*
Rock: So shape up, dig deep for your manly sexiness, and you sex that woman up like never before!
Men: *rousing cheer*
Rock: *snaps fingers* *"WE LOVE YOU!" "WE'LL MISS YOU", "DON'T FORGET TO WRITE", "HAVE FUN STORMING THE CASTLE" banners appear everywhere* I feel like we're missing something *ponders* Ah-ha! *snaps in giant cake*
Ronom: O_O I think I just died and went to heaven.
Rock: Not yet, but if you touch that cake before Zeddy gets here you will die, but heaven will NOT be on the menu for your afterlife.
Ronom: *cowers*
Rock: Now, all of you, into the cake!

Zeddy posted 9:15

Zed: Oh boys! You're so sweet!
Rock: *clears throat*
Zed: Oh right! You too. *mega!huggles* I'm gonna miss you. *wipes tears*
Rock: No! No no no no no! You may not cry! *getting misty* If you cry, I'll cry. And I refuse to cry!
Zed: *sniffles* OK. No crying. Just sexing.
Rock: That's the spirit!
O'Neill: As the honorary leader of the Men, I ask of you, who has the honor of hut time on your final night?
Zed: *bites lip* There's so many of you... There's only one thing to do. *snaps fingers*
Zeddy clones: What the?
Real!Zed: Now you all get love! I'll take you first Jack! *jumps and goes to hut*
Zed clones: *each pick up a Hot and run off to various parts of the Island*

Rock posted 9:22

Rock: Wow...a hundred Zeddys.
Tesla: I'm not sure if I should be afraid or turned on.
Rock: Probably both. Wait. Why aren't you with a clone?
Tesla: Apparently she's still mad at me about the whole "taking over the Island" thing.
Rock: I don't think we'd have minded so much if you hadn't done such a crap job of running the place.
Tesla: True. My plans for world domination always seem to stop once I've achieved the domination part, I never really look past that.
Rock: *giggles*
Tesla: You didn't hear anything after "I've achieved the domination" did you?
Rock: *shakes head* *giggles more*
Tesla: *sighs* Why are you my overlord again?
Rock: *frowns* *snaps fingers*
Tesla: *bottom half is turned into a chicken* Oh...yeah.
*somewhere in the distance Will and Druitt laugh their asses off*

Zeddy posted 9:28

Men: *trudging slowly back to the Island*
Jack: *carrying the real Zed*
Rock: What happened to her?
Jack: Apparently everything the clones felt, she felt.
Everyone else: ... .. Goddamn.
Zed: *begins to stir* Brain overloaded. Going into sleep mode. *light snores*
Rock: But you'll miss the party!
Ronom: I wouldn't worry about it... It's not like there's care or anything. >_>
Everyone looks at him
Ronom: *face is covered in icing and his stomach looks distended* What?
Rock: You fucking fat-ass!
Ronom: Umm... Whoops?

Rock posted 9:43

Rock: You know, no one will love you if you don't have abs of steel.
Ronom: Will I still get cake?
Rock: No.
Ronom: *hits the gym*
Rock: If you barf, I'm making Fargo clean it up!
Fargo: Hey! *ponders* On the other hand, maybe I can test your DNA and make myself a chick magnet cologne based on your sexy pheromones.
Rock: Trust me. Wouldn't help.
Fargo: *oblivious to logic*
Rock: *snaps in new cake*
Ronom: CAAAAAAAAKKKKEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! *runs over from gym* *leaps at cake* *bounces off force field*
Rock: Special Ronom repelling shield. *grins*
Zed: You have waaaaaayyyy too much time on your hands.
Rock: Aren't you in a post-coital coma?
Zed: Oh yeah *passes out*

Zeddy posted 9:48

Zed: *jumps up* Meh. I've got too little time to be comatose!
Rock: Well, how do you want to spend your last night here?
Zed: Um IDK. We already did he sex thing. How 'bout some good, old-fashioned hot?

Rock posted 9: 54

Rock: But don't you already have hot?
Zed: No, not that hot the other hot.
Rock: How many hot can there be?
Zed: Hot is infinite. Fargo can prove it.
Rock: No he can't, he's Fargo.
Zed: ...True.
Fargo: HEY!
Rock: *still deliberately obtuse*

Zeddy posted 10:00

Zed: Not prove it as in give us an example but prove it and in sciency math and stuff. He is technically a genius.
Fargo: That is the single sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.
Zed: F your life.
Fargo: Aww. ):
Zed: Hot pleeeeeeeease?
Rock: *sigh* I may be getting just a bit happy you're leaving.
Zed: *smiles as this was her plan*

Rock posted 10:05

Rock: *sighs*
Zed: *puppy eyes*
Rock: *sings* Graverobber, Graverobber, sometimes I wonder why I even bother.

Zeddy posted 10:09

Zed: Moooooore! MORE! *sinister laugh*
Rock: O-o
Zed: *clears throat* OK that was weird, I'm sorry. More, please?
Rock: Are you going to get crazy again?
Zed: ... I can't promise I won't.
Rock: *sigh*

Rock posted 10:11

Rock: Ummm.... *sings* I like big butts and I cannot lie!
Not!Bender: Should I be offended? I think I should be offended!

Zeddy posted 10:14

Zed: Shut up bitch, you like it.
Not!Bender: ... I do. *hangs head in shame*

Rock posted 10:20

Rock: Only one more after this boo.
Zed: *whine*pleading puppy eyes*
Rock: Sorry sweetie. *sings* Stargate, it's a great big world. With a great big swirl, that you step inside to another world.
Zed: Pretty....
Rock: Pick whomever you'd like to see, Zeddy.

Zeddy posted 10:

Zed: Only one more?
Rock: Yep.
Zed: Ever?
Rock: Until you bring your ass back to me.
Zed: Really?
Rock: Yup.
Zed: *bites lip* OK... For my last Hot, I pick...
Tesla: *hopeful*
Zed/Rock: NO!
Zed: OK. My last choice for hot is... Pavi.
Pavi: OH YES!
Zed: Goddamn it. SHUT UP!
Pavi: *is a normal voice* Yeah, alright,
Everyone: *gives confuzzled looks*

Rock posted 10:

Rock: Well...that was unsettling. And considering it's me, that's saying quite a lot.
Zed: *nods*
Rock: *shrugs* Anyway *sings* Pavi steals all of the hearts.
Zed: ....
Rock: *sings* Especially with his original face!
Zed: YAY!
Rock: Goodbye boo. I love you so much, have fun on your trip, and don't be a stranger. You're always welcome here.
Zed: I damn well outta be, I built the place!
Rock: Would you stop stepping on my sentimental moment?
Zed: Right *coughs*
Rock: *sad music begins playing* Farewell my love *super!awesome!mega!huggles*

Zed posted 10:43

Zed: I'm gonna miss you too babe. I love you. *clings* ... All of you. You helped me through some of the hardest and horniest times of my life. This place means a lot. And it always will. Thank you.
*Everyone weeps*
Zed: Bye guys, for the last time.
*sad pop*

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Island Adventure 12-11-10

Impy Posted 8:42

Impy: Seriously, what the hell is this place *looks at random hot men* Not that I mind.
Hatter: *steps forward* 'Ello, haven't seen you in a while.
Impy: *confused* Where'd you-? *eyes near by tree* Tree sex?
Hatter: *squints sexily**nods* ....Alright.

Zed: Posted 9:04

Zed: Huh? Where's my partner in insanity?
Stark: She's not here.
Zane: Someone else is tho.
Zed: Coolies?
Zane: Noo, someone else.
Zed: Oooohhhh yeah... She's nice, you'll like her.
Rock: *disembodied voice* But you better not like her better than us.
Zed: What she said.
Men: *confused*
O'Neill: But... Does she even know who we are?
Zed: Not most of you... But you're sexy so she won't care.
Moving on! Who wants to a company me to the hut whilst I wait to haze the new girl?
Tesla: If you don't mind--
Zed: NO! You were a bad boy and you're being punished.
Tesla: Don't pretend you don't like it when we're bad.
Zed: *glares*
Tesla: ... That actually, physically hurts...
Zed: *smiles* Now... Let's see... Ummm... Pavi!
Pavi: YES?!
Zed: *jumps in his arms* Hut. Now. And no face stealing.
Pavi: OH YES!
Tesla: Oh no. *pout*

Impy 9:18

*wanders back onto beach*
Impy: *rubs back* I really wish I had a hut to do that in.
Hatter: Yeah, you might try gettin' one of those.
Impy: *looks at men* ...Can't you lovely gentlemen build me one? Please?
Men: *in unison* Our masters have not given us permission.
Impy: Masters?
Dean: They're insane...and sexy.
Men: *nod*
Westley: And to be perfectly honest, we're all fine with this.
Impy: *confused*
McGee: Just, please don't tell them that.
Dean: Have I mentioned they're sexy? Like really really sexy.
Impy: *still confused*...Ooook, but what does their sexiness have to do with building me a hut?

Zeddy Posted 9:31

Zed: Our sexiness controls them.
Pavi: OH YES!
Zed Is that all you can say?!
Pavi: OH YES!
Zed: AHH! *snap*
Pavi: *is knocked out by an anvil falling on his head*
Zed: There. Problem solved.
Impy: Why can the men not build me my own hut?
Zed: Because our sexy is overwhelming?
Impy: ...
Zed: We use our powers--
Mason: She means their vaginas.
Zed: *clears throat* We use our powers of sexiness to control them. We bend them to our will.
Impy: *blank stare*
Zed: They do as we say and we'll do what they want.
Impy: Well... Can you tell them to build me my own hut?
Zed: No need. *snap*
*a fourth hut appears next to Zeddy, Rocky and Collies' huts*
Zed: There ya go. *stretches* All that work wore me out... I could really use someone to work out my kinks... *looks around*
Zed: ... OK. *jumps Ronom and is carried off to her hut*

Impy Posted 9:41

Impy: What? Wait!
Ronom: *looks to Zed*
Zed: *nods*
Ronom: *pauses and turns around*
Zed: Yes?
Impy: I wanted a hut...
Zed: And?
Impy: You made it appear out of nothing...
Zed: ...Your point?
Impy: Can I do that?
Zed: Eh... Why the hell not? Sure.... Ronom, hut!
Impy: *evil grin* Awesome.
Men: *terrified*
Impy: Oh shut up, you like it.
Men: *shrug* We do.

Zed: Posted 9:54

Zed: *comes back alone*
Sheppard: Where's Ronon?
Zed: Ronom is asleep in the hut. *eyeroll* I know it's been a year but sex should not wear someone out that much.
Shep: Well... Sex with you is kind of like running a marathon.
Zed: Yeah. OK. Anyway... Who gets the top honor of the night?
Impy: What's top honor?
Zed: Spending all of the time we're away with our e-selves.
Impy: Huh... OK.
Zed: Let's see...
Tesla: *makes himself as tall as he can*
Zed: Give it up Nikola!
Tesla: *walks off cursing*
Zed: OK... Top honor goes to... Rick! *jumps* I'll make a walker outta you.
Rick: I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing...
Zed: We'll see...

Impy Posted 10:15

Impy: Well, what about these guys?
Zed: ...What do you mean?
Impy: What do they do when we're not here?
Zed: ....One time they made a treasure hunt for Rocky and I. Huh, what do you guys do when we're not here? Well, not our RL selves anyway.
Nine: We knit.
Impy: With what?
Ten: Bamboo... and twigs.
Zed: What else?
Wash: We swap stories.
Mal: Generally, we stick to not killin' each other and avoiding insanity.
Impy: Good to know.
Zed: Where was I...oh, Rick, you're about to be zombified...or walkerfied or whatever...Hut!
Rick: Yes, mam'
*go to hut*
Impy: *looks at her hut* ...Volunteers?
Faramir: *steps forward* Mi'lady.
Impy: ....Oh, I do love it here. *goes to hut*

Friday, December 3, 2010

I'm writing a book!

(Tash here!)

Charlie came up with the idea last night that she wanted to turn her dreams into a novel. Well, this morning I got a text that said, and I quote:
I wnt to writ a book basd on those weird dreams but i sound lik an illiterate monkey -_-
Help meee!

So basically Charlie has invited (read as: instructed) me to come write the story chapter by chapter on here for your enjoyment. We're planning to start an outside blog for it then post a link to it on here (so that it doesn't clog up TMSA) but the problem is, we can't think of a title. :-\

That's where you come in.

So, if you haven't, read these two posts:

And in the comments post your ideas for titles. Please and thank you!!!


EDIT: Whoever comes up with the best title makes it to the top of my acknowledgments page!